Layout, Layout | Basics

Web layouts with unusual shapes and geometry

Starting with the CSS3 techniques, the ordinary squares from web designs layout elements started to be transformed in circles, triangles, hexagons or rhombuses. But, the 2012 bring in our attention a new trend what appear to be the main web design trend of the 2013 year what consist in a more unique visual flow of the website, and what can help a web designer more then the geometrical shapes?




One thought on “Web layouts with unusual shapes and geometry

  1. This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!

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